Greetings parents,
We are now in the Season of Lent. Lent is a season of change. What does change mean for us as Catholics?
Here is a lovely little video about Lent by Lego. Please
enjoy it with your children.
As part of our Religious Education, this week we have looked
at the Story of Zacchaeus. We have discussed how Zacchaeus changed because of
God’s love. I have attached the URL for
the video which the children watched at school. Please do look at this with
your children if you wish to so and discuss it with them.
Some of you
were concerned about how to work with your children when you hear their
reading. Please look at using the following guidelines.
When a child
comes to a word they do not know, ask them to read on until the end of the
sentence and then consider what might make sense.
Tell them to
look at the picture. See if that helps them.
Ask – the following -Do you know a word that
looks like this one?
What does the word begin with?
Can you see a smaller word inside the word?
Can you find a blend? Use wait time- allow them time to think.
What does the word begin with?
Can you see a smaller word inside the word?
Can you find a blend? Use wait time- allow them time to think.
Please use the following sound with your children daily for
Song of Sounds - 2
I have now introduced a weekly homework sheet.
I ask that this come back to school every Friday please. Also note on the
homework sheet, that I have asked the students to choose some words of their own
to learn as well as the ones that I give them.